Rome Airport Ciampino
Rome Airport Ciampino
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Below you can find the list of scheduled take-offs from Rome today with details about the terminals, destinations, status and estimated departing times.
You can also check other timetables if you are having a flight with BUZZ tomorrow, or willing to see the last-day flights. Take a look at the main departures page to see the statuses of all planes leaving Rome. Another option is to go through the timetables, designed for particular time gaps.
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Time | To | Flight | Airline | Terminal | Status |
Haven’t you found the departure flight you were looking for? Here is a list of flights departing from Rome - Airport - Ciampino in particular time periods:
Also, you can find the information about the same flight that was scheduled for yesterday or will depart tomorrow.
If you want to spend some time at shops or restaurants at the airfield without worrying about missing your plane - we`ve got you covered! Use our free flight alerts system that will keep you updated about any changes.
Enter your email and route number into the small box, and you will be notified in case of delays, cancellations and other unpredicted situations.
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